Featured Stories
Southwest Cheese LLC Supports New Mexico Agriculture in the Classroom, July 2020

Southwest Cheese LLC, Clovis, NM, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of American style cheese, is partnering with New Mexico Agriculture in the Classroom (NMAITC) to help provide eLearning educational opportunities to New Mexico students and families. The mission of NMAITC is to strengthen pre-kindergarten through 12th grade agricultural literacy outreach. This is especially important during this time of COVID-19 restrictions and an increased need for virtual learning.
2017 New Mexico Teachers of the Year In the News!

Based on their ability to consistently incorporate agricultural education into their teaching curriculum, Jessica Bouloiseau, Ashley Cartwright, Lucia Gutierrez, Abigail Husson-Matter and Silvia Mariscal, all teachers at East Picacho Elementary School, each received the New Mexico Teacher of the Year Award from the New Mexico Farm and Livestock Bureau’s New Mexico Agriculture in the Classroom Program (NMAITC). This is the first time in the program’s 16-year history that the annual award was presented to not one, but five simultaneous recipients.
Ariticle by Britney Lardner
Standing in a classroom, surrounded by children eagerly waiting to get their first glimpse into the world of agriculture is where Britney Lardner said she loved to be. The New Mexico Agriculture in the Classroom County AGvocatesare individuals who dedicate their spare time to educate youth about the importance of agriculture. They travel across the state presenting to students of all ages about the many facets of New Mexico agriculture. Britney is currently volunteering as the Bernalillo County AGvocate and has presented to over 900 students in the Albuquerque area in the past year.